Tag Archives: Wee Man

ICW 5th Annual Square Go

Back in November, Insane Championship Wrestling packed the SECC Arena in Glasgow for Fear & Loathing VIII with 4,000 people- a giant crowd for a British wrestling show in modern times, and confirmed their place at the top of the British wrestling tree. In my review of the event however (which can be found here) I wasn’t overly enamoured with much of the show, which gave me a similar impression of the promotion as I had seen when reviewing the previous year’s event. Featuring large amounts of overbooking, too frequent an amount of sloppy wrestling and a trigger happy approach to ‘surprises’, I concluded that ICW wasn’t for me. One thing I was unable to criticise however, was the expertly executed conclusion to Grado’s rise to the top of the promotion in an emotional contest with Drew Galloway in the main event of the show. Grado’s journey had lasted 4 years and had taken him from being a comedy figure, desperate just to be booked, to the point of being British wrestling’s biggest star and, perhaps more importantly, a genuine money draw. I therefore opted to persevere with ICW for their 5th Annual Square Go event which would feature Grado’s first high profile defence of the title he won at Fear & Loathing and their take on the Royal Rumble match.

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