Tag Archives: Monday Night Raw

WWE Monday Night Raw Episode 4 (01/02/1993)

If you thought that once Raw got itself going properly following the Ric Flair/Mr Perfect match on episode 3 and that after that point it would be all must-see television, you would be sadly mistaken. Episode 4 of the show rattles through 5 almost entirely pointless contests with very little to offer- the most competitive of these is a 3-minute match between Typhoon and Doink The Clown, which believe it or not, Vince McMahon had taken the time to advertise ahead of time. Of the other bouts on the card only one goes more than 4 minutes and none are particularly satisfying (with the possible exception of watching Yokozuna run through the set of 3 or 4 awesome big-man moves that he delivered in all of his matches). This show is almost entirely focussed on the return to the promotion of Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake ahead of the storyline that would lead to Hulk Hogan’s contribution to the upcoming Wrestlemania 9- firstly, with a long interview segment featuring Vince McMahon asking ‘The Barber’ about what had happened to him to keep him away from WWF for nearly a year, and secondly when Ted Dibiase and IRS respond to Beefcake’s story and set the scene for the following week’s main event. While this set up isn’t the most enthralling television, it does at least give this episode of the show a reason to exist.

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WWE Monday Night Raw Episode 3 (25/01/1993)

In episodes 1 & 2 of Monday Night Raw, WWE had presented a show with a faster pace and a grittier feel than its other broadcasts of the period, with episode 3, it delivered, for the first time, a show that felt important, vital even. That’s because on the show, Mr Perfect and Ric Flair were set to do battle in a match where the loser would have to leave the company. This was the calibre of match, and level of importance that had previously been saved for pay-per-views or the occasional Saturday Night’s Main Event but instead, WWE was giving it away, for free (in front of a crowd that, even at capacity, would only have numbered a thousand) on network television.  It is matches and moments like this that has provided Raw with its reputation as the king of pro wrestling television, even today, some 27 years after it was first broadcast, and even as its importance has dwindled over time. This history means that most wrestling fans still view WWE’s successes and failures through the prism of Raw, the metronome of WWE’s product, to the point that it feels almost impossible to imagine the promotion without it. It is therefore not unfair to say that, without this kind of moment taking place in the early days of Monday Night Raw, the wrestling business would not be the same as it is today.

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WWE Monday Night Raw Episode 2 (18/01/1993)

While the general ‘feel’ and pace of the debut episode of Monday Night Raw was certainly a welcome change to that which had come before, it is fair to say that WWE encountered a number of teething problems with it also. There was a lack of quality running throughout- both in terms of significant happenings and from an in-ring perspective. 3 squashes, a 2nd rate Intercontinental Title defence and a new feud between one of the company’s biggest heel managers and its most recent addition (and easily most irritating member) to the commentary team was not the most auspicious way to launch a new wrestling TV program- even in 1993. It was imperative therefore, that the 2nd instalment of this new concept, retained the parts of the show that were good and built upon it by improving on some of the areas where there was cause for concern. While it is fair to say that the episode that aired on 18th January 1993 was still not a great show (or one that suggested WWE was on course to usher in a brave new era), some of the problems had been addressed which makes this an improvement on the previous week.

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