Tag Archives: Rob Conway

WWE Unforgiven 2003

In the years immediately following the end of The Attitude Era, WWE didn’t do a whole lot to create new stars to fill future main events on their shows. Instead they relied upon a number of names that had drawn big numbers either in the past or elsewhere to carry the future business of the company. This began with the Invasion angle, where the two biggest names that were brought in were the initials ‘WCW’ and ‘ECW’, with few of the men and women who represented those companies (and were therefore new to a WWE audience) given a chance to genuinely grow into main event acts. In 2002 the company shifted their emphasis even further into the past with the return of Ric Flair to the company, the invasion of the NWO and the latest revival of Hulk Hogan’s career. Then Shawn Michaels, having been on the shelf for four years, made a comeback that had at one time seemed improbable. Within the space of 18 months, any upper midcard talent that was waiting their turn in WWE was all of a sudden at the back of a much bigger queue. The brand split did go a little towards easing this issue but in late 2002 and early 2003 another two big name stars from WCW’s past arrived in Scott Steiner and, more importantly to Unforgiven 2003, Bill Goldberg.

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